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Include Photorec+ update Teskdisk (+Photorec)

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 3:42 pm
by Icecube
Can you make a menu for Photrec also. It is already included in UBCD.

Make a new folder in /dosapps/photorec

startup.bat (/dosapps/photorec/startup.bat)

Code: Select all

mkdir testdisk
cd testdisk
copy %UBCDDRV%\dosapps\testdisk\*.* > nul
photorec /log /debug
photorec.bat (/dosapps/testdisk/photorec.bat)

Code: Select all

@echo off
echo "This batch will run photorec.exe /debug /log"
echo "The log file photorec.log will be created in the current directory."
photorec.exe /debug /log
There is a new version for TestDisk & PhotoRec 6.9 (13 February 2008).