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HOWTO: Integrate Trinity Rescue Kit 3.3

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 4:53 am
by Icecube
To use the menu of Trinity Rescue Kit like on the original CD when integrated in Ultimate Boot CD, do the following:

Extract the contents of UBCD to c:\ubcd-extract\.
Extract the Trinity Rescue Kit to c:\trk-extract\.

The contents of the Trinity Rescue Kit 3.3 iso are:
AUTORUN.INF ==> Delete this file ==> Delete this file
disableautorun.exe ==> Delete this file
isolinux.bin ==> Delete this file
memdisk ==> Delete this file
pxelinux.0 ==> Delete this file
syslinux.cfg ==> Delete this file
trinity.ico ==> Delete this file
  • clamdb/
    • daily.cvd
    mkpxelinux ==> Delete this file
    syslinux ==> Delete this file
    syslinux.exe ==> Delete this file
    trspack-1_0.exe ==> Delete this file
    trsrun-1_0.exe ==> Delete this file
    trsrun-1_0-nq.exe ==> Delete this file
It isn't necessary to delete those files, but it look cleaner.

Copy the remaining contents of c:\trk-extract\tkr3\ to c:\ubcd-extract\trk3\.

Copy the remaining files of c:\trk-extract\ (not the trk3 directory) to c:\ubcd-extract\trk3\boot\.

Edit c:\ubcd-extract\trk3\boot\isolinux.cfg:
default /trk3/boot/vesamenu.c32
prompt 0

menu title build 318
menu background /trk3/boot/bootlogo.jpg
menu color tabmsg 37;40 #80ffffff #00000000
menu color hotsel 30;47 #40000000 #20ffffff
menu color sel 30;47 #40000000 #20ffffff
menu color scrollbar 30;47 #40000000 #20ffffff


label trk3
menu label Run ^Trinity Rescue Kit 3.3 (default)
kernel /trk3/boot/kernel.trk
append initrd=/trk3/boot/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 vollabel=UBCD410
timeout 100


label 1
menu label ^1 : TRK 3.3 as bootserver to boot other TRK clients
kernel /trk3/boot/kernel.trk
append initrd=/trk3/boot/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 trkbootnet vollabel=UBCD410

label 2
menu label ^2 : TRK 3.3 running from RAM (best >= 512mb, 256mb min)
kernel /trk3/boot/kernel.trk
append initrd=/trk3/boot/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 trkinmem vollabel=UBCD410

label 3
menu label ^3 : TRK 3.3 with bigger screenfont
kernel /trk3/boot/kernel.trk
append initrd=/trk3/boot/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 normalfont vollabel=UBCD410

label 4
menu label ^4 : TRK 3.3 in simple VGA mode (debugging of kernel output)
kernel /trk3/boot/kernel.trk
append initrd=/trk3/boot/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=1 pci=conf1 splash=off vollabel=UBCD410

label 5
kernel /trk3/boot/kernel.trk
menu label ^5 : TRK 3.3 with Belgian keyboard (see docs for other)
append initrd=/trk3/boot/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 keyb_be vollabel=UBCD410

label 6
kernel /trk3/boot/kernel.trk
menu label ^6 : TRK 3.3 - Virusscan all drives (non interactive)
append initrd=/trk3/boot/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 virusscan vollabel=UBCD410

label 7
kernel /trk3/boot/kernel.trk
menu label ^7 : TRK 3.3 - Try more pcmcia and usb nics (when not detected)
append initrd=/trk3/boot/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 pcmcia vollabel=UBCD410

label 8
kernel /trk3/boot/kernel.trk
menu label ^8 : TRK 3.3 - Try more SCSI drivers (when disks not detected)
append initrd=/trk3/boot/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 scsidrv vollabel=UBCD410

label 9
kernel /trk3/boot/kernel.trk
menu label ^9 : TRK 3.3 with a secure shell server enabled
append initrd=/trk3/boot/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 sshd vollabel=UBCD410

label 10
kernel /trk3/boot/kernel.trk
menu label ^10 : TRK 3.3 - Execute local scripts on harddrive of PC
append initrd=/trk3/boot/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 locscr vollabel=UBCD410

label 11
kernel /trk3/boot/kernel.trk
menu label 11: TRK 3.3 - ^Fileshare all drives, secured with user
append initrd=/trk3/boot/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 smbsec vollabel=UBCD410

label 12
kernel /trk3/boot/kernel.trk
menu label 11: TRK 3.3 - Fileshare all drives as ^guest, no security
append initrd=/trk3/boot/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 smbguest vollabel=UBCD410

label 0
kernel /trk3/boot/kernel.trk
menu label 13: TRK 3.3 - ^Single user mode
append initrd=/trk3/boot/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 runlevel 1 vollabel=UBCD410

label noacpi
kernel /trk3/boot/kernel.trk
menu label 14: TRK 3.3 - Acpi=off, noapic PCI=^bios (Alternate boot 1)
append initrd=/trk3/boot/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose acpi=off noapic pci=bios vollabel=UBCD410

label pcinormal
kernel /trk3/boot/kernel.trk
menu label 15: TRK 3.3 - ^Acpi=off, noapic PCI=any (Alternate boot 2)
append initrd=/trk3/boot/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose acpi=off noapic vollabel=UBCD410

label pciconf1
kernel /trk3/boot/kernel.trk
menu label 16: TRK 3.3 - ^PCI=conf2 (Alternate boot 3)
append initrd=/trk3/boot/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf2 vollabel=UBCD410

label debug
menu label 17: TRK 3.3 - ^Verbose startup for debugging after initial bootfase
kernel /trk3/boot/kernel.trk
append initrd=/trk3/boot/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 debugging vollabel=UBCD410
timeout 100

label 18
menu label 18: TRK 3.3 - SSH server and run from ^RAM
kernel /trk3/boot/kernel.trk
append initrd=/trk3/boot/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1] sshd trkinmem vollabel=UBCD410

label 19
menu label 19: TRK 3.3 - SSH server, run from RAM, act as a ^secure fileserver
kernel /trk3/boot/kernel.trk
append initrd=/trk3/boot/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 sshd trkinmem smbsec vollabel=UBCD410

menu label 20 : TRK 3.3 with ^proxyserver support enabled
kernel /trk3/boot/kernel.trk
append initrd=/trk3/boot/initrd.trk ramdisk_size=49152 root=/dev/ram0 vga=788 splash=verbose pci=conf1 proxy vollabel=UBCD410

label t
menu label 20: ^Memory tester: Memtest86+ v1.65
kernel /trk3/boot/memtest.x86
If you have labeled your usb thumb drive or CD other than UBCD410, you have to change vollabel=UBCD410 accordingly. You have to add the vollabel to the APPEND line, not on a separate line (the forum software messes it up :cry:).

Edit "c:\ubcd-extract\custom\custom.cfg" with a text editor:

Code: Select all

MENU INCLUDE /menus/defaults.cfg
LABEL back
   KERNEL menu.c32
   APPEND /menus/main.cfg
LABEL trk3
   MENU LABEL Trinity Rescue Kit V3.3
   CONFIG /trk3/boot/isolinux.cfg 
The CONFIG command loads the slax config file for Slax, with all options as the normal Slax cd, but it requires a new version of isolinux.
Download syslinux from

Extract the syslinux archive to "c:\syslinux\".

To update isolinux for the CD version
- Copy "c:\syslinux\core\isolinux.bin" to "c:\ubcd-extract\isolinux\".
- Copy "c:\syslinux\com32\menu\menu.c32" to "c:\ubcd-extract\isolinux\".
- Copy "c:\syslinux\com32\modules\chain.c32" to "c:\ubcd-extract\isolinux\"
- Copy "c:\syslinux\memdisk\memdisk" to "c:\ubcd-extract\isolinux\"

To update syslinux for the bootable USB key
- Copy "c:\syslinux\core\ldlinux.sys" to "c:\ubcd-extract\syslinux\".
- Copy "c:\syslinux\mbr\mbr.bin" and "c:\syslinux\ldloader.bss" to "c:\ubcd-extract\tools\ubcd2usb\".
- Copy "c:\syslinux\com32\menu\menu.c32" to "c:\ubcd-extract\syslinux\"
- Copy "c:\syslinux\com32\modules\chain.c32" to "c:\ubcd-extract\syslinux\"
- Copy "c:\syslinux\memdisk\memdisk" to "c:\ubcd-extract\syslinux\"

Update the vesamenu.cfg of Trinity Rescue Kit:
- Copy "c:\syslinux\com32\menu\vesamenu.c32" to "c:\ubcd-extract\trk3\boot\vesamenu.c32"

Remaster the iso:
If you don't know how to do it, see viewtopic.php?t=1343.